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The Emperor's New Hydrogen EconomyA book by Darryl McMahonLast updated 2012.04.07 The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy – More News
The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy now available at Chapters.Indigo.ca2006.11.06 - Chapters Indigo announces availability of The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy in Canada via their Web site. The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy now available at Amazon2006.10.05 - and their country-specific Web sites (e.g.,, now list The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy in their on-line inventories. The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy now available at Barnes and Noble2006.10.03 - Barnes and Noble has added The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy to their list of titles on their Web site. The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy in Print2006.10.01 - Publisher iUniverse announces that The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy is now available for purchase. Both eBook and trade paper versions are available from iUniverse. Retailers should contact iUniverse regarding terms at 1-800-AUTHORS. The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy wins Editor's Choice Award2006.09.09 - iUniverse has bestowed their prestigious Editor's
Choice Award on The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy. Rachel
Krupincka of iUniverse said, Browse the book UpdatesWhere We Have BeenWednesday, April 4, 2012 - Featured in Financial Post on-line chat on the Future of Transportation Fuels Sunday, March 18th, 2012 - Panelist for discussion after screening of the Revenge of the Electric Car at the Wakefield International Film Festival (WIFF) Saturday, October 29, 2011 - Bells Corners Eco-Fair Monday, Sept. 12th to Friday, Sept. 16, 2011 - Ottawa Forum on Offshore Drilling in the Arctic Thursday, January 28, 2010 - lunchtime presentation to The Friends of the CRC on electric vehicle history (no book signing, not open to the public) Thursday, December 17th, 2009 7:00 p.m. - St. Paul University - Amphitheatre, 223 Main Street, Ottawa, [dead link:"] Presentation to Evolver Ottawa. Books will be available for signing, just in time for Christmas.) Saturday, October 24, 2009, 3-6 p.m. - 456 McArthur Street (near St. Laurent) September 20, 2008 - [Link has bit-rotted:]International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M) Annual Conference. Darryl McMahon will be presenting a paper on Low Speed Electric Vehicles (LSVs) in the Canadian context. Thursday, July 4, 2008 - [Link has bit-rotted:] CBC TV National News "Tinker Boys" (the electric Porsche appears about 2 minutes 10 seconds into the clip) Saturday, May 31, 2008 - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa EV Expo. Friday, May 30, 2008 - 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. - Interview on CBC Radio One (Ottawa) Part 1 Part 2 Saturday, May 10, 2008 - 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Queensway Terrace North Community EcoFair at Frank Ryan Park, Ottawa. Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 6:50 a.m. - Ottawa A Channel television talking about electric vehicles. Saturday, April 19, 2008 - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - The Green14 was displayed all day at the Ottawa Eco-Stewarship Fair at the R.A. Centre, Ottawa Saturday, October 27, 2007 - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Bells Corners Community EcoFair. Darryl McMahon will be presenting on the subject of Alternative Energy at 2:00 p.m., and at the EcoFair all day with a couple of his electric vehicles. Tuesday, December 4, 2007- 5:30 to 10 p.m. - [dead link:] IEE Electric Vehicle Evening Saturday, August 4, 2007 - Elmvale Water Festival Wednesday, July 18, 2007 - interview on CKCU-FM radio show Special Blend Saturday, May 26, 2007 - [dead link:] The Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa EV Expo, National Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa Saturday & Sunday, May 12-13, 2007 – [Site no longer exists:] Green Energy and Transportation Show, Lansdowne Park, Ottawa Sunday, April 22nd, 2007 - Lynwood Earth Day, Bells Corners Saturday, April 21st, 2007 - Eco-Stewardship Fair, R.A. Centre, Ottawa Wednesday, March 28th, 2007 7:00 p.m. - Presenting in the ACT City Ottawa Lecture-Discussion series, Hintonburg Community Centre, 1064 Wellington Street, Ottawa. Saturday, March 24th, 2007 4:00 p.m. - “The Electric Car Isn't Dead” at the Glebe EnviroFair, Ecclesiax Church, 2 Monk St., Ottawa. Thursday, March 8th, 2007 7:00 p.m. - Presenting to the [dead site:] Kanata Environmental Network, at the Beaverbrook Community Centre, 2 Beaverbrook Road, Kanata. Tuesday, February 6th, 2007 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. – Screening of Who Killed the Electric Car and book signing at Arbour Environmental Shoppe, 800 Bank Street, Ottawa. Saturday, December 16, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. - Book signing at [Website no longer exists:] Topia GreenStop Biofuels (1621 Woodward Drive at Clyde Avenue North), Ottawa. Monday, December 4, 2006 - [Site no longer exists:] Green Party of Ontario, Ottawa Centre Annual Fundraising Dinner, 198 Main Street, Ottawa Monday, November 27, 2006 - Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa, National Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa Friday, November 24, 2006 - [dead link as the Rideau Street store closed:] Chapters Bookstore, Rideau Street, Ottawa Thursday, November 23, 2006 - Ottawa New Energy Network, Clock Tower Pub, Ottawa Friday, November 10, 2006 - Electrical Power Symposium 2006, Ben Franklin Place, Ottawa
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