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The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy
Updates: Chapter 8 – Hydrogen From Other Sources

Last updated 2009.02.16

2009.02.16 - Nuclear Subsidy Averted in U.S. Congress

[dead link:] Harvey Wasserman article in Counterpunch on how vigilant citizens thwarted a middle-of-the-night attempt by federal politicians to throw a $50-billion bonus to the U.S. nuclear industry. Added Bonus: the Yucca Mountain farce may be coming to an end. Now, if we could just figure out how to keep nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed submarines from running into each other in the middle of the ocean.

2009.02.01 - Does Nuclear Fission Really Help Reduce Global Warming?

Unclear about Nuclear - as a climate change solution? You are not alone, and it isn't a slam-dunk answer. This paper (Thermodynamic limitations to nuclear energy deployment as a greenhouse gas mitigation technology) on the subject provides a scientific examination of the issue.

2009.01.27 - Bad Reactors

There appears to be a resurgence of interest in nuclear fission technology, a "nuclear renaissance" according to some proponents. It is being heralded as a 'green' and economically attractive option by some, who say the new generation of reactors have left the problems of older designs behind.

Or perhaps we will just have to learn those hard lessons all over again now that a new generation of decision makers have created a kind of societal amnesia. Consider this story, [dead link:">Bad Reactors by Mariah Blake, about one of the first of the new generation of reactors to be built. The problems sound hauntingly familiar.
Found a reprint still available online.

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