Electric Vehicle Records

Last updated 2005.04.12

You may also wish to consult the [Link has bit-rotted: http://spock.york.tec.sc.us/~kosak/RECORDS.HTM] York Technical College EV Records Page.

Land Speed - flying mile or flying kilometre (battery electric)

1899 - 66 mph - Jenatzy - La Jamais Contente
1901 - 104 mph - Baker - Torpedo
1968 - 138 mph - Autolite
1972 - 152 mph - Eagle-Pitcher
1974 - 175 mph - Roger Hedlund - Battery Box
1994 - 183 mph - GM - modified Impact
1999 - 221 mph - Rannberg Team Racing - Lighting Rod
1999 - 225 mph - Dempsey's World Record Associates - White Lightning

Land Speed - 1/4 Mile, standing start (drag racing) (battery electric)

2000 - 8.801 seconds - Dennis Berube - Current Eliminator IV

Current record holders in all classes for 1/4 mile and 1/8 mile drag racing can be found at the National Electric Drag Racing Association (NEDRA) website. (Click on the "Record Holders" tab.)

Land Endurance (range on one charge - battery electric)

1900 - 180 miles - B.G.S. (France) - lead-acid batteries
1974 - 308 miles - Nissan EV-4H - lead-acid batteries
1992 - 340 miles - Horlacher Sport - sodium-sulphur batteries
1992 - 450 miles - BAT Geo Metro conversion - proprietary batteries

Air Speed

Air Endurance

Water (surface) Speed

October 14, 1995 - 70.597 mph [Site no longer exists: http://www.cloudelectric.bigstep.com/] Cloud Electric Racing
David Mischke drove a hydroplane designed, built and owned by "Cloud Electric Racing" at the Kilometer run on Devil's lake, Lincoln City, Oregon

Water (surface) Endurance

Water (submerged) Speed

Water (submerged) Endurance

Mars Surface Speed

Mars Surface Endurance

Moon Surface Speed

1971 - 8 mph - Lunar Rover

Moon Surface Endurance

1971 - 57 miles - Lunar Rover

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