You are required to provide a completed copy of this form to the EEOC as soon as possible after joining a registered Electrathon team. You are required to bring a copy of this completed form to the Electrathon event.
No registration fee is required for individual team members.
Name of Team Member: _______________________________________________
Team Name: _______________________________________________
I am participating in this event of my own free will, and I will be held personally responsible for my actions. I will conduct myself in a sportsmanlike manner and be responsible for such behaviour by my team-mates, friends and family.
I understand the rules of this event as set out by the EVCO Electrathon Organizing Committee and agree to abide by the rules, conditions and decisions of the event officials.
I accept the conditions under which this event is held, and accept all risks inherent in this event including those unforeseen or unanticipated by myself.
I agree to hold harmless the event organizers, event sponsors, officials and volunteers from liability of any kind. I agree to settle any and all disputes through established event rules.
I understand this is a non-professional event and that changes, delays and errors may occur.
Signature of Team Member: ___________________________ Date: ____________
Guardian's Signature: _____________________________ Date: ____________
(if participant is less than 19 years old)
Guardian's Printed Name:_______________________________________________
(if participant is less than 19 years old)